Stanley: A Prairie Dog's Tale, Book One
Legend of the Star

by Robert Nehls

illustrations by Robert Rath

published by Music Ranch Montana, Inc.

produced by Sweetgrass Books

  • Meet Stanley, a brave and unexpected hero, who also happens to be a prairie dog. Debut author Robert Nehls shares a fully-realized world for readers aged 8-12. This heartwarming, whimsical, and explosive action adventure follows Stanley on an exciting voyage of self-discovery. Join Stanley on the seemingly impossible quest to fulfill his destiny! Family, friends, robe-clad elders and surprising allies join forces to save a prairie dog colony from a cunning and sinister enemy on a journey that has never before been imagined.

184 pages, 6 x 8.25, 50 illustrations, Perfect Bound

ISBN 10: 1591522218
ISBN 13: 9781591522218






Stanley: A Prairie Dog's Tale, Book One
Legend of the Star

Stanley: A Prairie Dog's Tale, Book One align=

Robert Nehls has been telling stories for many years, mostly in the form of poetry. His poetry has been published in the local papers of many of the places he has lived. Most recently, he and his wife Stevi have returned to Livingston, Montana where they now make their home. He has had a steady stream of poems published in the local newspaper, the Park County Community Journal, since October 2015.

Robert has loved and admired prairie dogs for a long time. One day he looked in his rearview mirror and saw a prairie dog that had darted in front of his car tumble to the other side of the road. He smiled and asked himself, "What if?" In that moment, Stanley came to life and the adventure began.

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